023 Top 10 Most Harmful Mindsets That You Must Detox

  1. If you want shallow, superficial "edu_tain_ment"? this class is NOT for you.
  2. If you want deep learning, to solve real world challenges, you can not afford to not take this class!!!

Mark Twain: “It ain’t what you don’t know that gets you into trouble. It’s what you know for sure that just ain’t so

  1. You've realized the absolute necessity of self development;
  2. You've started your own journey of becoming wiser and stronger every day, for your own enlightenment; for your own actualization;
  3. You've realized this takes work, inner work on yourself, on your own mind;
  4. You've realized this is the highest level work, on the deepest level of yourself, and it's the hardest work there is;
  5. You know you need to learn things you've never heard of before;
  6. You also know, you need to unlearn many of your existing ideas.

If that’s the case, this Extremely Powerful Class is for you!

This class will teach you the Top 10 Most Harmful Mindsets That You Must Detox Before They Destroy Your Life. So you can build a bright future for yourself and make great contributions to your society!

This class is NOT for you, if you believe:

  1. You know everything;
  2. The world is wrong;
  3. Society should revolve around you;
  4. You should live in fear;
  5. Other people should go out of their way to pamper you;
  6. Your role in life is to be pampered like a princess.

Ask Yourself

  1. Do you want to live a better life?
  2. Do you want to have more joy and less frustration?
  3. Have you realized, a wonderful life can be yours, if you have the correct mindset?
  4. Why is your advancement slower than you expected?
  5. What is preventing you from advancing faster?
  6. Why do some people advance faster than you?
  7. Do you want to have a more accurate map about life? Do you want a better GPS that will lead you to your destination, accurately? with the shortest and safest route?
  8. Do you have a civil war going on in your head? between competing schools of thoughts? about the true nature of life?
  9. Have you realized, the key, to a better life, is better thinking? more accurate understanding of reality? In other words, upgrade your mindset? get rid of mindsets that are harmful to you? that are toxic to you?
  10. How did these toxic mindsets get into your head?
  11. Who put them in there, and why?
  12. How to detox harmful mindsets out of your system, and build good self defense to protect yourself from being infected by these types of harmful mindsets again?

Example of deadly poisonous mindset that are toxic to you and everyone around you:

Simple and well known Examples from recent history:

  1. For decades, people mistakenly thought smoking had no bad health effect :-(
  2. Many people mistakenly believed smoking was good for their health :-(
  3. Many doctors even promoted smoking as a health benefit! :-(
  4. And it took society decades to figure the truth out! :-(

What we should learn from the above:

  1. Many people naively believed the lie that "The Medical Establishment is in it to make people healthy" :-(
  2. And failed to see "The Medical Establishment is in it to profit from making people sick!" :-(
  3. Many people childishly bought into many lies that sounded sweet but are actually deadly poisons!
  4. Many people childishly bought into the scam that "Authority Figures" are here to "take good care of us" :-(

Other examples:

  1. Eating nothing but sugar, never a real meal, will lead to good health;
  2. Eating nothing but junk food, never a real meal, will lead to good health;
  3. Never exercise will lead to good health;
  4. Believing the Sun rotated around the Earth is science...
  5. The earth is flat LOL

Deeper Examples:

  1. "People who tell me things I want to hear, are doing it for my benefit, not their profit";
  2. "People who tell me things that hurt my feelings, are doing it for the purpose of hurting my feelings, not my long term benefit".

And if you hold the above mindset, you become a gullible easy target for those who wish to prey on your vulnerability!!!

The real question is: What's the root cause? What deep rooted mindsets causes this level of gullibility? That's what we will answer in this class.

Did you know:

  1. Calling something "healthy" does not make it healthy? Just because marketers label it "healthy", does not make it healthy?
  2. Life is full of things that make us uncomfortable? life is not meant to be all comfort and all fun? Life is not about every time you encounter obstacles, you go hide somewhere that's safe to you? some place that's built by others for you, other's who did things that are uncomfortable to them? Do you demand others to endure discomfort and hardship, so you don't have to?
  3. Did you know, societies are built on merit? on results? on hard work? not on fantasy? not on empty speeches? not on childish temper tantrums?
  4. People who tell you what you crave to hear, for example: "sugar is good for your long term health", "student loan debt on a degree that has zero job prospects is good for you" etc... have hidden motives, that are for their benefit, at your expense?
  5. Everyone is entitled to a better life?
  6. Everyone is entitled to help themselves?
  7. The ONLY way to better yourself, is by helping yourself?
  8. The ONLY way to help yourself, is by improving your thinking?
  9. Everything is based on thinking/mindset? The success of all human endeavors are based on thinking/mindset? From going to the gym, to going to mars? All human endeavours: from engineering, to business, to medicine, to personal relationships, to inner happiness, everything is based on having the right combo of mindsets?
  10. Having the wrong mindsets, can harm you? they can be poison on your mind, and hence yourself?
  11. These harmful mindsets can be contagious like a deadly virus?
  12. Your mindsets, that's not working out for you, are installed into your head, by someone else? For example: Big Tobacco Companies? Big FastFood Chain? For their benefit, at your expense?
  13. Smoking, Junk Food, Not Exercising, Sun Rotates Around Earth, Earth is Flat... are just examples? There are people who are creating these poisonous viruses of the mind, much deepers, much bigger, much more potent, much more harmful, much more toxic, and spreading them amongst society, harming people, for their benefit, at your expense?
  14. The powers that be, don't want you to advance yourself, and they use mind control on you, to keep you in chains, and that's the source of your frustration and your fear?
  15. Your fear and your frustration are created by them? They want you to live in a constant state of fear and frustration, so they can easily control you? because you are too scared to escape?
  16. The most important task for you is to unlearn harmful mindsets that are toxic? So you don't become victims to scams like: "Smoking is good for you!"? "Junk Food is good for you"? "Useless degrees are good for you"?
  17. You can detox harmful mindset out of you, and replace them with mindsets that are good for you?
  18. Self improvement requires you to unlearn what's in your head? Not only can you do this work, it's also extremely liberating?

After taking this class, you will:

  1. Understand why some people are controlled by the wrong mindset;
  2. Uninstall the skewed view of the world;
  3. Break out of the echo chamber you are locked in;
  4. Break out of the ecosystem you are locked in;
  5. Break free from the shackle on your mind;
  6. Detox yourself of mindsets that are poisonous;
  7. Gain true diversity: diversity of thoughts;
  8. be more inclusive with your thinking, your view of the world, and your awareness;
  9. Liberate yourself from their mind control;
  10. No longer having to waste your energy working on things your mistakenly thought as important and you must work on;
  11. Focus your energy working on what is actually important to you, that will produce results that are real benefits to your life;
  12. Get rid of what creates pain for you;
  13. Grow faster with your wisdom, your enlightenment and your personal self actualization;
  14. No longer fragile & brittle - which makes it easy to break you;
  15. Become flexible - which makes you resilient hence much harder to break;
  16. Less childishly emotional, more rational, more long term focused, less short term focused;
  17. Focus less on "image" and what others think of you;
  18. Naturally gain more respect from everyone without even having to work on getting respect;
  19. Regain control of your own mind, with a protective shield against those who wish to control your mind for their benefit at your expense - their mind control tactics won't work on you anymore; even their algorithms won't work on you anymore LOL
  20. Regain your liberty, you independence & your self-respect!

Comments from those who took this class:

  1. "When it comes to my self improvement, my personal development, advancing my own life, I was "blocked". This class removed all my hang-ups that were buried deep down in the basement of my subconscious mind, telling me I 'can not', I 'should not', I am 'not good enough to'... After taking this class, my feeling of uneasiness of advancing myself is completely gone, and the "blocks" on my mind were removed! I now feel 100% congruent when it comes to advancing my own life!"
  2. "I was banging my head against the wall, in anger, of why my life was not working out for me - the way I wanted, until I took this class. I learned my advancement was being harmed by beliefs that are not based in reality, and put into my head by others who wish to enslave me! I was single minded and exclusive in my thinking - all to my own detriment! After I realized I need to be more inclusive with my knowledge and my thoughts, I am finally able to think freely - for myself!"
  3. "After taking this class, I realized many of my own past failures were due to my own mindset, some of them I've already identified prior to taking this class. This class helped me to realize: #1: I was blocked by my own mindset; #2: Some of these harmful mindsets are still buried deep down in the basement of my thinking; #3: I need to continue my detox, so I can remove the poisons that are hurting my advancement."
  4. "This class removed all my intimidation when it comes to advancing my own life. I used to live in fear of the unknown, scared to do things & thinking thoughts that are 'forbidden'. This class helped me realize: 'Forbidden' by whom? Who are they to forbid me? Who are they to tell me 'I can not'? I now enjoy venturing into the unknow & encountering obstacles, because I get to have fun overcoming obstacles and realizing 'Yes I can' LOL"
  5. "This class removed all my confusion about advancing myself: my head was filled with garbage that was holding me back! This class really helped me to unburden myself from what has been - living in fear and confusion, under a pile of garbage!"
  6. "I was about to give up on advancing myself when I took this class, and realized everything I thought was correct was actually wrong. And those mindsets were put into my head, by others, on purpose, to hold me down, for their benefit not mine! The so-called "system" I was following, was NOT designed to help me! But rather, it was designed to filter out as many independent thinkers as quickly as possible - so they get to keep folks who are compliant and like to conform! They designed that system for their profit, not for my advancement!"
  7. "Taking this class helped me to unburden myself from what has been: I was living in fear, fictional, phantom imaginary fear, that doesn't exist in the real world, but only in my mind. There is more to living than living in fear, fear of your own making. I am now "de_transitioning" from living in fear to a healthy growth oriented mindset, and the de_transitioning is totally liberating!
  8. "I was puzzled by young people around me, with their bazaar conduct and their single minded thought process. Now I know what sort of mindsets are holding them back, why they lack diversity in their thinking."
  9. "After taking this class, I came to the profound realization of why we need to remove these sorts of toxic mindsets from our collective conscience, so our society will not be destroyed by these mindsets that are poisoning our young."
  10. "Not only is the teaching content amazing, the teaching method is also top notch! Coach Michael Lin has a super effective method to explain complicated subject matters, making the learning process enjoyable and not painful for me!"

You should take this class if:

  1. You live in the real world, you have real world challenges you need to overcome.
  2. You are a doer, you are a thinker, and you are a life long learner.
  3. You challenge yourself to constantly do more so you can learn more, learn more so you can do more.
  4. You get a kick out of solving problems, you get a bigger kick out of helping others to learn how to solve problems - on their own!
  5. You play the game of: "Never ending upward spiral personal evolution."

And you want:

  1. Less confusion & stress;
  2. Higher productivity;
  3. Happier Life;
  4. Real insights, into true human nature;
  5. So you can solve bigger challenges and make bigger contributions to yourself, your family, and society at large.

You will lose: Unhelpful thinking that have been holding you down :-(

You will gain: New thinking that will catapult you to the next level!

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